
United We Stake.

Put your crypto to work through our highly secure, no-nonsense staking solution and make it worth its while – StakeUnion rewards token holders with passive income and an active role in underlying networks.

Secure your spot

How Staking Works

Staking (Proof of Stake) is built-in inflation that maintains the long-term security of the network. Blockchains have validators who create, propose, or vote on blocks to be added to the blockchain, securing rewards for processing transactions. These validators are required to run cumbersome hardware online 24/7 with several security features in place. At StakeUnioin, we run a validator node as a service. You delegate the voting weight of your currency to our node and earn the block rewards less our fee.

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All In One. Staking For All.

There should be no compromise when it comes to security, transparency and outstanding user experience. As a community-rooted company with years of experience in the field, we’ve learned staking the hard way. Which now makes it easier to understand users’ needs and build a set of tools to bridge the industry gap. We’re in in for the long haul and our sole purpose is to provide a smooth, informative and uncompromising staking experiences for all.

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There should be no compromise when it comes to security, transparency and outstanding user experience. As a community-rooted company with years of experience in the field, we’ve learned staking the hard way. Which now makes it easier to understand users’ needs and build a set of tools to bridge the industry gap. We’re in in for the long haul and our sole purpose is to provide a smooth, informative and uncompromising staking experiences for all.


Following the Protocol.

Technology is the foundation of our service, therefore every step we take is to secure its impeccability. Our architecture integrates multiple obstacles for potential attackers, we’re building our own data center with dedicated hardware available 24/7, while designing a widely maintainable infrastructure, limiting access to sensitive components to a select number of trusted and authorized personnel.

Building On Top of Experience.

When running a validator or a masternode, higher uptime means greater financial returns, as many blockchain networks impose financial penalties for extended downtime. We will strive for greatness with an uptime higher than 99,99 % in case future networks will punish availability with a higher degree. To avoid the possibility of a downtime, StakeUnion is building a highly available infrastructure where all the major components are at least duplicated.

Leaving Nothing To Chance.

A validator or a masternode may suffer major financial penalties in case of key compromise and double block signing, therefore operating a validator or a masternode must be invulnerable to such events. StakeUnion’s architecture establishes multiple obstacles that prevent attackers from gaining access to any level of our infrastructure based on state of the art internal processes to securely handle private keys and assets.

Govern By Example.
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Govern By Example.

As a professional validator, StakeUnion takes on an active role in the governance of Proof of Stake blockchains with its own skin in the game. All our votes are driven by and focused on maintaining the value of our stakes at all times. Therefore we actively participate in the PoS communities around supported blockchain projects to better understand the impact of each of our votes.

In order to provide the utmost transparency, our platform solution is bound to offer an overview of all votes with explanation of every decision we make. We strongly believe StakeUnion will earn a meaningful impact in the PoS landscape, leading the projects by delegating the vote responsibly, governing by example.

United We Stake.

StakeUnion is a European staking service, dedicated to building state-of-the-art staking experiences. Our industry’s name, our expertise, our accomplishments – they all revolve around the same word. But what is staking, anyway? Crypto is evolving and so are the opportunities for token holders. If buying into crypto or mining it was the entry point, staking crypto on Proof of Stake blockchains offers so much more – the ability to earn passive income and play an active role in underlying networks. Our personal stake in the business is to build the most trusted and user-friendly staking solution for all. At the same time we encourage everyone to claim the right to rewards and roles.

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Niko Klansek

Business Strategy Lead

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Jure Pozun

Marketing & Communications Lead

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Klemen Rupnik

Product & Team Lead

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Aljosa Praznik

Blockchain Analyst & Infrastructure Lead

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Niko Klanšek

Business Strategy Lead

Niko comes from a family with a long entrepreneurial tradition. He funded two successful companies in New York in his 20’s, secured exits, and then focused on startup funding and blockchain technology.

HashMark / Co-founder and Business Lead Kickstarter / +60 successfully funded projects totalling $6 Million Harvard Business School Alumni / Program for Leadership Development

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Jure Pozun

Marketing & Communications Lead

Niko comes from a family with a long entrepreneurial tradition. He funded two successful companies in New York in his 20’s, secured exits, and then focused on startup funding and blockchain technology.

HashMark / Co-founder and Business Lead Kickstarter / +60 successfully funded projects totalling $6 Million Harvard Business School Alumni / Program for Leadership Development

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Klemen Rupnik

Product & Team Lead

Niko comes from a family with a long entrepreneurial tradition. He funded two successful companies in New York in his 20’s, secured exits, and then focused on startup funding and blockchain technology.

HashMark / Co-founder and Business Lead Kickstarter / +60 successfully funded projects totalling $6 Million Harvard Business School Alumni / Program for Leadership Development

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Aljosa Praznik

Blockchain Analyst & Infrastructure Lead

Niko comes from a family with a long entrepreneurial tradition. He funded two successful companies in New York in his 20’s, secured exits, and then focused on startup funding and blockchain technology.

HashMark / Co-founder and Business Lead Kickstarter / +60 successfully funded projects totalling $6 Million Harvard Business School Alumni / Program for Leadership Development

Claim Your Stake.

We are a community-rooted company with a decentralized DNA. Our founding members have co-founded national blockchain associations, managed funds in pooling services, ran multiple nodes, helped leading crypto brands reach their global customers and scale startups into industry-leading companies. As demanding users, we understand the quality level of any service. And listen carefully to community feedback in order to exceed their expectations.

Secure your spot

Thank you for staking your interest. We’ll respond with interests shortly.